For over a century, CP & Co. has served as a central administrative office providing professional financial services for the descendants of Charles Pratt and selected other private clients.

Founded in 1891 to manage the estate of Charles Pratt, a partner in Standard Oil, CP & Co. has since developed a wide range of custodial, investment, tax and accounting services.

In 1997, CP & Co. established Dosoris Trust Company as a wholly owned subsidiary to further provide trust and estate planning services for its clients.




Account Information     Please contact our office to be set up with online access to your accounts.   Form CRS 

Charles Pratt & Company, L.L.C.

767 Third Avenue, 6th Floor 

New York, NY 10017-2023 

Dosoris Trust Company

2120 Carey Avenue - Suite 300 

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001

Telephone 212-867-4444  Telephone  307-635-5554
Facsimile 212-867-0028   




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